This one comes with a PROLOGUE. I am not sure what that means, but I see it on the first page of a lot of the books I read so that is the word I will use.
When I wrote this chapter I had pictures as part of the story, unfortunately, with the changing of the times and me changing computers twice and not knowing about a ZIP STICK or FLASH DRIVE or whatever you want to call it?????? The pictures became a part of history and just a fond memory. So all you can do now is use your imagination unless someone that reads this has all the stories that I sent out saved someplace and will send me their copy of my original and then I can edit this story and include the pictures??????
Thank You
The Author
So there I was, but now I am not because I left there and went some place else and if you are not GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED, then you should be able to figure out where I might be?????
When you start out on a trip like this, there are a few things that are for sure. You are not sure how the vehicle will run, how the weather will be, and most important of all, where you will end up and that would be mostly because of the first two parts of this sentence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first few days out are more like a SHAKEDOWN CRUISE, which amounts more to me SHAKING and the truck CRUISING!!!!!!! I thought I might have to replace the battery right away, but I got lucky and just had a corroded battery connection or so it looks like. I may have a battery funeral along the way and if I do I will be sure and take pictures. Since I had some free time and did not have to replace the battery I stopped by a friends house and ran into some old friends and we had our picture taken. See below
That is me, 4th from the left!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of you UNFORTUNATE SOULS have already seen this picture and I apologize, NOT!!!!!!!!!!, I needed something to fill in here as I had a temporary hangover which is another term for WRITERS BLOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the fun I decided to go to the beach and sleep it off. I met some very nice people who were having a family photo done and since I ended up in the picture they were kind enough to send me a copy. SEE BELOW AGAIN
It was shortly after the photo was taken that some gentleman with badges and guns showed up asked me {very nicely I might add} to please remove myself and any clothing I might still have with me.
And so I bid a fond farewell to the FOUR HORSEMAN and the FAMILY FOURSOME and explained to them that I was on a journey to discover the MEANING OF LIFE. They all wished me well and with great APPREHENSION, TREPIDATION, AND ANTICIPATION (how is that for some big words??????) I don't even know what they mean, but they sure sound good!!!!!!! Are you impressed HUH, HUH??????? and so I am off to continue my search,