OK, all you lucky people or maybe not so lucky????? If you are reading this then you all really need to set your sights a little higher....... because if you ARE reading this then it is either really cold where you are or you are like me and have no life except to write this stuff?? Fortunately for me there are no other living people here?????? and where is here you ask, well here is where I am. I am just not sure where that is all the time.
I try to keep a bottle of some sort around for medicinal purposes only of course and just in case I find a message in the bottle????????
Sometimes I take a trip and go someplace, sometimes I take medication in varying amounts depending on how far I want to go with out leaving as it is much more convenient that way, and other times I take a trip and never leave the farm?????
This may have something to do with the LONG ARMED JACKET WITH THE WRAP AROUND SLEEVES that the people in the white coats keep handy just for me. I really think that the tranquilizer gun may be a bit over kill. Well for what ever reason and there can be no reason for much of what I do, I have decided to start putting out more stories.
These stories will be from another time as it is to D#@N COLD to be out there wandering/wondering what I would be doing out wandering around in this kind of weather.
So starting tomorrow I will start making you pay the price for knowing how to get to this blog.
Try not to snore to loudly and if you feel that comments are necessary you all have my email address, but I only accept nice things as you all know how sensitive I am!!!!!!{;-)