Thursday, September 6, 2012

La Vida Loca Reunion

Well, it has been some time since last I wrote anything for the blog!!!! and I have been remiss {how is that for a word???} anyway I decided to use that word right in the beginning so that I don't have to worry about any more fancy words???. There may be a few more show up but since I am just getting back into the groove things may be just a little off until I hit my come back speed.........

So this is the last of the reunion stories. This could actually be an ongoing reunion story or a story about a reunion within a reunion or just one of those "you wouldn't believe it any way stories" but I am actually involved in this one!!!! I am involved in all the stories in some way or another, but this one is probably the most fun story I have ever written??? Maybe not for you, but it is for me.........

When I started the reunion stories I wrote about going to my first reunion committee meeting and how little did I know that my life would be altered in a way that I could not have even considered before leaving Florida!!!!!! The fact is that I had plans not to come back here next year as I was planning on going other places and also had the possibility of a job that would take me out of country.

So now that I have rambled on making absolutely no sense at all I will finally begin the story!!!!!!

Friday night the 20th of July was the first night of the reunion after the 2 previous meetings I had gone to. I had as I wrote previously been assigned the task of getting the music together by someone who will remain nameless..... Well, after the cleanup this nameless person who I had a screaming crush on in high school (and I told her so friday night) which was a LONG TIME AGO!!!!! asked me if I wanted to go for coffee after we had finished cleaning up.

Now I have to add that the time at this point was about 11 P M which meant it was WAY past my bedtime!!!! But I wanted to talk to her and find out what she had been doing for the last 50 plus years????? So it was off to Denny's for what I thought would just be some talk and a cup of coffee????? About 1 am we both figured it was time to go home after a few cups of coffee and a lot of laughing and even some talking!!!!!

Saturday night the 21st of July and this is the dinner night and I am doing things to avoid being near this nameless person and she is doing everything possible to get close to me because even though it was only coffee the night before strange forces were at work and the planets were starting to line up in ways not seen by mankind before!!!!!! The party ended at 10:30 and we were all cleaned up by 11:00 and I had asked her if she was not to tired did she want to go for coffee???? I might add that I had asked her that evening sometime that when the reunion was over would she like to go out for dinner??? I just figured she had worked really hard on the reunion and deserved a dinner.... LITTLE DID I KNOW!!!!! So off to Denny's once more for late night talk and coffee or coffee and talk..... These can be switched so that you are satisfied with how the sentence comes out!!!!! So here we are at Denny's until around 1 in the morning not really wanting to go home, but knowing that we both had to be at a park for the Sunday breakfast at about 8 A M!!!!!!

Sunday morning, July 23rd, 8 A M.  The next morning and we are both down at the park not really knowing what is going on between us but knowing that it is something more than just a friendly coffee and laughs thing??? So finally after I had been told to make some announcements and not having a microphone I had to stand on a table and yell and I might add that I was told that I did not "PROJECT" myself very well??? with that being said the nameless person asked me if I wanted to walk down to the river to which I replied "OH YEAH!!!!!!" and so down to the river we went.......

As we were standing by the river I just had this urge to kiss her, so I did!!! and that folks is when we both realized that this was going to be more than just coffee and talk.....

Any way we have been almost inseparable since that Sunday morning and so Dan and Jan McIntire might have won the door prize, but I got the grand prize!!!!!!!!!!! and I am planning on spending the rest of my life or as much as possible with this women or as long as she will put up with me!!!!! I am not going to try to describe her. I will just tell you that the nameless person has a name and it is CARLA (ELDRED) ROBERTSON. I have included pictures from a road trip we took so that you can know who she is!!!!!!!

There will be more stories coming now that the last of the reunion stories have been told.

Now you know why the title to this story is what it is...... If you are not sure what the title means then just google it and you can figure it out...... But I will end this story with the line.......



Sunday, August 5, 2012

And the winner is!!!!!!!!

Every now and then I get to write a story that is just kind of fun to write and this is one of those stories, it will not be long, but I feel it deserves it's own part since it is a story within itself..... or at least I think it is???

When I went to the first reunion committee meeting every one was talking about the locations, the food, drink, and the I D pictures and the little caveman pin since it is Grants Pass High School, home of the Caveman!!!!!!! How is that for a plug for the city??

We will be right back after a short intermission!!!!!!!


How was that for a short intermission????? so now back to the story.......... Feel free to press ahead at anytime......... Where was I before I was interrupted?? Oh yes at the reunion committee meeting.

The person who said she was not in charge, but seemed to be running things and I have to say at this point, well I don't really have to say, but I will that I came in on the tail end of this whole thing and it is quite a job to get this whole thing organized and pull it off so if you get a chance you might send a thank you email to those who made it work.

But yet again I wander or stray from the story at hand!!!!!!

and then I asked if there was going to be any music and as I said before the person who said she was not in charge who will remain nameless but will be named at a later time but seemed to be giving all the orders looked at me and said with a voice of authority!!!! "YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF THE MUSIC'!!!!!

I have learned over the years that there are 2 ways to respond to an order like that. The first way is to agree and go do it.... The second way is to disagree, say no, lose the argument and then JUST GO DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! So I just said "OK" and started thinking about how I was going to do this?????

I have several C D's of the "OLD MUSIC" which is what my children and grand children all call it so the only obstacle was to find something to play it?????? So off to WALLY WORLD where I found a 5 C D player. The nameless person in charge said get it and I would be reimbursed..... I told her and I quote "I ain't toten this thing back to Florida"!!!!!! and so it was agreed upon that on Saturday night at the Bear Hotel all who wanted a shot would put their name tag in a basket and the president of the class would do the drawing to give away the C D player.

And if you do not know by now the winners were Dan & Jan McIntire........

And so ends the stories of the reunion which in my own personal opinion was by far the best of them all!!!!! The turnout was great, the food was great, the alcohol was great!!!!!  BUT THERE SURE WERE A LOT OF OLD PEOPLE  THERE?????

Actually there is one more story to write. I know what it will be about but I am working on the story line right now and I think it will be a good finish for this series???????

Friday, August 3, 2012

What If--The Second Night

And so good morning, evening, or in between as I guess it depends on which zone you are in?? That could be a different time  or the twilight zone??  For my choice I always preferred the twilight zone as it allows me to go wandering/wondering whilst I am thinking.  Yes everybody, I know it is hard to believe but I can do 2 things at once!!!!!!!

So if you are here reading this story then either you are easily entertained or have NO LIFE just like me because if I am writing this stuff then that means I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ELSE TO DO!!!!!!! {;-/ I can only assume that this is part of life's therapy????

But let us press ahead and for any of you who are new comers?? This is the part where you take your left or right hand, that choice is optional and put it to your forehead and begin reading.   I would recommend that you remove your hand at some point in time as it gets really tiring holding your hand up to your head like that!!!!!!!!!

So the second night was at the Bear Hotel (see TWEEN story) which if you have been reading as we go then you already know about and if you have not been reading then you must know that my feelings are hurt as I have put my heart and soul into these stories!!!!!! and I am very sensitive about my writing.  I do not handle criticism of any sort very well at all!!!!!!!!! and I have said that before!!!!!

The second night was at the Bear Hotel (I think I just said that???) and the party again started at 6, but this time I was told to be there at 4 which I was, as I always do what I am told.   Again I had to do the music, but this time I was able to tie into the available system so the music was much better and the ACOUSTICS (HOW ABOUT THAT FOR A BIG WORD??????) were much better.

I knew that one of the class who retired as a principal was going to do a small speech about a scholarship which would be funded by the left over funds from the reunion.   What I did not know was that the person in charge had decided that I would be the designated speaker of the night!!!!  Which to me ranks just one step above a public flogging with me as the FLOGEE!!!!!!

And so with the music playing, the microphone on top of the refrigerator and the food being prepared I went to the bar.   (See pictures)

Some of the same people showed up from the night before and I got to meet them all over again!!!!! and even more people showed up that I did not know.   I finally resigned myself to the fact I could not have graduated with these people since they were all much older!!!!!!!!?????????

After much food and drink was consumed it was time to start taking memory pictures.   These pictures are the ones that everybody gets so they can try and guess who all these people were at the reunion????  I prefer to think of it as a crossword puzzle with faces........... and this is when the microphone came off the refrigerator and I had to start talking, and just when I thought I was done and had told everybody that I would "TALK NO MORE" one of the committee members would come up and say we are taking this picture or that picture and all I wanted to do was get another adult beverage!!!!!

10:20 PM rolled around much to quickly for some of the partiers and then began the 10 minute count down without the 9 minute hold. The 9 minute hold is a space center term that happens when they shoot a hole in the sky!!!! But that is a story for another time...............

At 10:30 the lights were turned off in the warehouse (I think the bears were tired????) and the last of the seniors were escorted to the door, which I might add all said they had a great time!! and after all the clean up it was time to try and remember how to get home??? I always carry a G P S for emergencies. It would be embarrassing to have to ask somebody how to get to my CHATEAU TO GO at SANFORD & SON CAMP GROUND.... Refer to previous stories for any information about the above mentioned......... and so on to the next part??????? BREAKFAST ANYONE?????

I have pictures to post and will post some, but only those who I know and if they read this and wish to have their picture removed feel free to contact me at my email address and I will certainly remove the picture.

As you view the pictures below your 
assignment is to figure out:


These two ladies were not graduates as if yopu could not figure that out, bujt they handled all the adult beverages!!!!!!!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

And then the Bears Came!!!!!

This will just be a TWEEN story.   What that means is that it comes "tween" the last story and the next story. Now wasn't that easy to understand?????

There is a place in Grants Pass, Ore. called the BEAR HOTEL where they actually make bear sculptures that are really something to see.   These are life size sculptures of bears in various poses.   I will let the pictures do the talking!!!!!!!!  This will be in 2 parts because I can only post 6 pictures at a time.........

And now on to the Saturday Night Festivities!!!!!!!


And then the Bears Came!!!!! Part 2

Saturday, July 28, 2012

What If????--The First Night

Easy there, all you perverts.   This is about a class reunion so take a cold shower or what ever you do to calm down!!!!!!!

I am going to put this story into a few parts for ease of reading plus the fact that at this age you might fall asleep reading something to long!!!!! and that way I can write one story and fill up a lot of space, well maybe not a lot of space, but it sure makes these easier to post if you have back up!!!!!!!

So here I am which is where I should be since there is no other place that I can be and still be at the reunion????? Did I mention that this was the 50th?? That would make everybody a lot older than they were when we graduated from high school!!!

I remember having to walk three miles through the snow with all my rock tablets, hammer and chisels!!!!!!! I was sure glad when pencils and paper were invented and then along came the wheel and soon we had SCHOOL BUSES!!!!!!  Then I was dancing in the parking lot, most of the time by myself!!!!!!

Now that I have written about what happened a HALF CENTURY AGO!!!!!!!

So now I can proceed with the telling of the REST OF THE STORY. I left Florida heading in a westerly direction since where I live it impossible to go to much further east....... not really being sure what this reunion was going to be like.   I have been to all the class reunions, but the 50 seems like a mile stone.   One to look forward to???? or not???

Upon arrival in Grants Pass I contacted the contact person who was to be contacted when I arrived in Grants Pass since she was the contact person and that would be Patsy J.   I called and told her that I was in town and could get my paperwork whenever. Later that week or the next week she called and asked if I wanted to go to a reunion committee meeting to which I said yes.  

Little did I know how much going to that one meeting would alter my life in ways I could not have imagined!!!!!! But that is a story for another time........

Friday night at the fairgrounds and the party started at 6 and ended at 10:30 in the evening.   I suppose it was done that way so that we could all get the early bird special dinner and not be out so late that we would all forget how to get to where ever we were staying??????  Just imagine about 140 or so seniors and their significant others/or just themselves like me wandering around town trying to figure out where they are supposed to be at that hour of the night.   I guess we could all meet at Walmart???  Where are the tour buses and flag guys when you need them???

I arrived at the Arts and Crafts building about an hour early for 2 reasons and what were those reasons you ask and even if you don't ask I am going to tell you anyway!!!!

First reason was because I was not sure exactly where this place was and the second reason was because I was responsible for the music (which happened when I went to the reunion meeting and got VOLUNTEERED to do the music) and it is always good if the music is going at the start or just before the party starts.  

The party started promptly at 6 I think.   There were people there and there was food there and the bar was open.  

At this point I started taking pictures which is what I usually do.

Usually I know the people so I can identify them for the story, but since I HAD NO CLUE WHO THESE PEOPLE WERE!!  I have to assume they all belonged here since they were talking to each other, eating the food and drinking.   Actually at first I thought they were from another galaxy and had just taken over these bodies since no one matched the picture on their name tag (EXCEPT ME).  {;-)

The night ended and all said that the party was a great success and all had had (can I use the same word twice)? a good time.  

I have pictures to post and will post some, but only those who I know and if they read this and wish to have their picture removed feel free to contact me at my email address and I will certainly remove the picture.

And now on to the BEAR HOTEL for a sound check before Saturday nights festivities!! 

and goodnight CER-143!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Here We Go Again!!!!!!!!

Here it is the 4th of July again!!! I wrote about this day last year and actually it was the same trip over the same mountain, but this year there were more people!!!!!

The 4th of July comes every year at the same time. I know, I know, you are thinking that this guy must be a ROCKET SCIENTIST?????? He is so smart he can figure out that the 4th of July happens at the same time every year, AHHHH, but wait it does not!!!!!! The 4th is always the 4th, but last year it was a Monday!!!!!! and next year it is a Thursday!!!!! I feel so much better now that I have gotten that cleared up!!!!!

Well, now that I have blathered on for a few paragraphs it is time for the telling of the tale.... Let me do the set up... Wednesday morning, 9 am, the 4th of July, bustling downtown Merlin, Ore. (if you want to know more about Merlin, just GOOGLE it) at the LITTLE PANTRY store which is sort of like a 7-11 on steroids!!!!!! anyway, there are gathered in the parking lot a bunch of OLD PEOPLE and OLD VOLKSWAGENS and other Volkswagens.

The whole gathering looks like a mass escape from a Volkswagen assisted living facility!!!!!!! We are gathered here waiting for the one who will lead us on this trek across the mountain to the far reaches of Gold Beach!!!!!! where at a time to be announced we will fill the sky with much fire and noise!!!!! (Now ain't that some fancy writing???)

So at the appointed hour plus 30 minutes our leader arrives. At this point in time I must mention that even though it is the 4th of July I am wearing a SWEATSHIRT, a HOODED SWEATSHIRT AND A PAIR OF GLOVES to ward off the last remnants of winter!!!!! Of course every one else is in t shirts or at the very most a light jacket since going over Bear Mountain and going high up in the woods where the temperature drops to what I consider BELOW FREEZING is no big deal for the locals!!!!

Leader Larry spins his finger which means to start em up and get ready. Again there is something at this point that requires your attention. Leader Larry denotes exactly that. He is first out. I am the TAILGATOR!!!!! which means I bring up the drag or tail end. We both have C B radios so that if anybody breaks down, I mean their car, not them personally then I contact the leader and tell him so we all stop and wait as the rule is NO ONE GETS LEFT BEHIND!!!! Did you see the play on words with TAILGATOR. A little home town humor!!!!

So it is old people driving old Volkswagens in a line as we all leave Merlin, well not all were old as I was there too!!!!!!! heading down the Merlin-Galice Rd. we go and then make a sudden left turn and begin the climb up the mountain. When I wrote about this last year or at least I think I did??? as we got higher up the mountain we hit snow!!!!!! This year it was a better drive with no snow, but still cold, but not uncomfortable as you will see in the pictures.

Upon arriving at the rest area somewhere out in the woods we all took a break (I am trying to be polite here) and just sort of CHILLED OUT. I took some pictures (see attached). After a suitable time Leader Larry spun his finger a with a double blow of my OOGA HORN and the C B radio screaming it's usual static noise we went screaming down the other side of the mountain!!!!!!!

and with that I will conclude this chapter and start up again with the continuing story of the 4th of July!!!!!! But I leave you with this thought.

Just imagine if you will 8 cars full of old people driving down a tight 2 lane mountain road!!!!


Thursday, July 19, 2012

UH OH, Here They Come!!!!!!

Imagine if you will a bunch of old people coming screaming down a mountain road in old Volkswagens?? Well, you can imagine that all you want cause it never happened, but it would have been fun....... That is what happened last year. This year every body was a little older and I guess we had to go a little slower??????? plus the fact that some had never been over the road.........

So it was that the OLD VOLKS & FOLKS headed toward Gold Beach from Bear Mountain Overlook. Whereas I said before the plan was to try and keep a bunch of senior citizens up after dark and fill the sky with lots of fireworks.

Gold Beach is on the Oregon coast and as usual the wind was blowing. Not quite at hurricane force, but definitely strong enough to make some birds fly backwards!!!!!!! I can't complain, well I could, but it would do no good so I will just say that I was wearing a hooded sweat shirt and gloves when we rolled in to town........ But the sun was shining so it was not all bad...

Arrival time was about 3:30 in the afternoon so there was time to do a little sight seeing, but since there is not a whole lot to see except the Rogue River and the Pacific Ocean and I have seen both!!!!!!! So I decided that a bottle of wine and a view were the thing for me to do..... I did go out for a few minutes so that some pictures could be taken, but then a nice comfortable seat and a glass of wine solved all the worlds problems for me!!!!

Along about 5:30 it was time to start the barbecue!!! Did I mention that it was a potluck with chips, dips, salads and DRUM ROLL please!!!!!!! STEAKS!!!!!!!

After a fine meal and a few glasses of wine it was time to head for the beach. It seems that if you want a fire on the beach {which is legal} then firewood must be gathered and so the gatherers gathered to gather wood....... {say that fast 3 times} and just after dark the fire was lit or maybe we were lit??? All I know is that there was a fire and shortly after that the fire works began!!!!! Unfortunately I did not take my camera so the pictures were sent to me from another participant......

The fire was big and spectacular and the fireworks were better than a lot of commercial shows!!!!!! The finale was something called a battleship which consisted of 78 mortars which all you had to do was light one end and it was time delayed and really lit up the sky!!!! {see picture}

Thursday morning I took a walk on the beach and found where we had been. The leftovers from the fire.......(see pictures) It was a cool and damp morning, but no wind so it was a good walk....{see pictures}

Then it was time to check out, saddle up, turn em on and head south to California and the way home!!!!! By the time we were ready to go about 11 am the weather was about 65 degrees and sunshine, but I had been this way before and what the weather is in one spot is not what it is further down the road!!!! So I decided to put on my pull over sweat shirt and then my hooded sweat shirt and my gloves, again dressed an NANOOK of the NORTH which turned out to be a good idea since 10 miles down the road the temperature dropped to 42 degrees which is like ZERO when you are riding in a vehicle with no doors and no top!!!!!!! {see picture}

As luck would have it or not have it depending on your idea of cold weather and your comfort zone it stayed about that temperature until east of Gasquet, Ca. With only 3 cars of the original caravan it was decided to take a break at a rest area on 199. So upon arrival the temp was up around 80 degrees and thus required that I slip into something a little more comfortable like a pair of shorts and a t shirt!!!!!!!!!!

The rest of the trip back to the Chateau to Go was uneventful, but a great time was had by all and like I said the fire works were GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am in the process of building a PALLET BUILDING {never done that before???}. So who knows, that may be the next story or maybe my class reunion????? or whatever else happens to come along????? So many choices??????

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Rooster Crowed

and they had a parade!!!!!!!

And I suppose you are wondering what the H@LL kind of title is that????? Well, allow me to answer that question for you? As I am sure if I don't and just leave the story right here nobody will know the answer......

So here is the way it goes.......

Back in 1953 the town/city (I am not sure where the cut off is between town & city) so I will use both and you all can sort it out????? of Rogue River wanted to have some thing to draw people there to show case the town and since there was already a Memorial Day boat race in Grants Pass, a frog jumping contest in northern California, a timber carnival in Prospect, Ore. which by the way I am going to be in that parade also!!! But again I stray from the story/tale not sure which is right so I will use both.......

So Rogue River decided that on the last weekend in June of each year {which is why it is called an annual contest????} to have a Rooster crowing contest.

I know that this is another of those (WHY DO THEY DO THESE THINGS?) questions, but they did and they do and they have a parade on Saturday morning and then I am not sure when they have the contest, but they really do have a rooster crowing contest......

Unfortunately I was only there for the parade so I have no knowledge of nor do I have any pictures of the contestants or the winner/winners???? and since most roosters only crow in the early morning I am not exactly sure how they do the contest or how many show up????? I suppose if you want to get that information then I saved you the trouble and I attached the link so you can get all the information you ever wanted to know about!!!!!

You should be able to copy and paste the above???

So somewhere back in this epistle (is that a word??), must be as word check OK'd it....... anyway I was there for the parade so I did not have time to wander around and see the sights. I have heard there is a large rooster model some where in town which I will have to go back and see?????? and I will post pictures of if I find it????

Any way on to the parade. The parade started at 10 am so the club that I run around with had to be at the staging area by 9:15 am so the we could get staged. I know that sentence is wrong, but I ain't going to change it!!!!!!

So the OLD VOLKS and FOLKS got staged and then they came and told us we were getting restaged????? so we moved again. That is why there are not that many pictures of the parade.

While I was waiting I met some ladies called the Rogue Valley "CHICKS" which were obviously over 50!!!! But what a hoot they were so their picture is included. One of them actually has a sister living in Florida..........

10 o'clock came and the parade started and we had slip number 45 in the parade and we were in the middle!!!! I did not think the parade was that long??? well our number came up and so off to the parade route we went. I had just pulled on to the parade road and a photographer pointed at me and held up his hand for me to stop, so I did and he took my picture and then came up and did a short interview and wanna guess what the first question was??? Go ahead, guess???? Not sure for what paper or organization and then it was off to the parade. Got to wave at all the people and blow my horn and throw candy {the president poured a bunch of candy on the shotgun seat and said throw it to the kids which I did and had a good time doing all that.

After the parade it was off to Chinook Park for a cookout. A good time was had by all or at least I had a good time with plenty of food, talk and OLD PEOPLE!!!! See the last picture.

So the next thing I will probably write about is the run over BEAR MOUNTAIN, staying at Gold Beach and shooting off fireworks over the 4th of July??????


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

and they shot TShirts

What if they gave a concert in the park and everybody came???? Well, they did and a lot of people came........

The city of Grants Pass and assorted businesses sponsor a series called Concerts in the Park (I have attached a picture of the flyer) where every Tuesday through August 21 except for a couple weeks there is a concert in the park. Today was the first one and I left early about 5:30 for a 15 minute drive and I thought I would get there early so as to get a parking spot??? which I barely did as you can see from the pictures which were taken about an hour prior to the start of the concert!!!!

I might mention at this point that I had taken a flannel shirt along as it felt just a little nipply outside..... anyway I had a nice sandwich and a Dairy Queen blizzard, chocolate chip mint in case you are interested, and even if you are not now you know... I was smart enough to bring along a small thermos of coffee also....

So I found a nice spot to enjoy the concert, unfolded my chair, started eating and enjoying the fresh out doors..... then on to the blizzard (that word should have been a clue!) for desert. By this time I have the flannel shirt on and the music ain't even started yet!!!!!!! I am taking large doses of the hot coffee to stay warm as I am starting to feel like NANOOK of the NORTH!!!!! The temperature suddenly went from somewhere north of 75 degrees to somewhere south of COLD!!!!!!! and so to warm up the crowd and that statement is not meant as a pun!!!!!! they shot souvenir T Shirts into the crowd!!!!!!!!!!!!

The whole thing started promptly at 7 with introductions and then the music. The group was called Kelly Thibodeaux & Etoufee and the music was CAJUN Bayou music. It was GREAT!!!!!!!

Unfortunately the temperature kept heading south with the wind coming out of the North!!!! and so as much as I liked the music and would have liked to stay for the second set I packed up, picked up and hauled A@# to Mr. Blue and off to the Chateau To Go we went..... Hopefully next week will be warmer or I will dress for the frozen north. I could tell you all what the name of next weeks group is, but why spoil the fun!!!!!!!


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Old Tractors, Old Cars, & Lots of Old People!!!!!!!!!

WELL!!!!!!!! it has been a while since I wrote something I figured I better write something so here it is.

Well, I feel so much better now but I suppose more needs to be written so I shall press ahead, I know you have heard that before, but for those who are memory challenged that is the part where you take your hand (RIGHT OR LEFT IS OPTIONAL) and press your forehead and then begin reading, BUT NOT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so it is on to the old tractors part......... This being Fathers Day weekend there is in this part of Oregon an outdoor museum with the name Pottsville and every Fathers Day weekend they have a big get together and every body brings an antique tractor and they actually have an antique tractor pull. I wrote about this last year but we are all a year older and our or at least my memory is not what it was a year ago...... I am not even sure why I am writing this??????

So off to Pottsville I went today. It is a cheap way to spend a few hours since if you are a senior which means you are old!!!!, I am just not sure how old???? it only costs $5 to get in!!!!! You cannot beat that.......... So I paid my money and went back in time. They had some different tractors from last year so I got some new pictures which if I can figure out how to post them I will put out there for all to look at. There will be five with this story so at least that many can get out there!!!!!! This is the part where you say YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be a two part story since after I wandered around Pottsville for a few hours I then headed off to the Elks Club where there was a car show with more pictures!!!!!!!

OK you can say YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! again. and so this story is done and I will write the next one and hopefully get this posted the right way?????