Saturday, June 16, 2012

Old Tractors, Old Cars, & Lots of Old People!!!!!!!!!

WELL!!!!!!!! it has been a while since I wrote something I figured I better write something so here it is.

Well, I feel so much better now but I suppose more needs to be written so I shall press ahead, I know you have heard that before, but for those who are memory challenged that is the part where you take your hand (RIGHT OR LEFT IS OPTIONAL) and press your forehead and then begin reading, BUT NOT BEFORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, so it is on to the old tractors part......... This being Fathers Day weekend there is in this part of Oregon an outdoor museum with the name Pottsville and every Fathers Day weekend they have a big get together and every body brings an antique tractor and they actually have an antique tractor pull. I wrote about this last year but we are all a year older and our or at least my memory is not what it was a year ago...... I am not even sure why I am writing this??????

So off to Pottsville I went today. It is a cheap way to spend a few hours since if you are a senior which means you are old!!!!, I am just not sure how old???? it only costs $5 to get in!!!!! You cannot beat that.......... So I paid my money and went back in time. They had some different tractors from last year so I got some new pictures which if I can figure out how to post them I will put out there for all to look at. There will be five with this story so at least that many can get out there!!!!!! This is the part where you say YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is going to be a two part story since after I wandered around Pottsville for a few hours I then headed off to the Elks Club where there was a car show with more pictures!!!!!!!

OK you can say YAYYYYYY!!!!!!! again. and so this story is done and I will write the next one and hopefully get this posted the right way?????