and they had a parade!!!!!!!
And I suppose you are wondering what the H@LL kind of title is that????? Well, allow me to answer that question for you? As I am sure if I don't and just leave the story right here nobody will know the answer......
So here is the way it goes.......
Back in 1953 the town/city (I am not sure where the cut off is between town & city) so I will use both and you all can sort it out????? of Rogue River wanted to have some thing to draw people there to show case the town and since there was already a Memorial Day boat race in Grants Pass, a frog jumping contest in northern California, a timber carnival in Prospect, Ore. which by the way I am going to be in that parade also!!! But again I stray from the story/tale not sure which is right so I will use both.......
So Rogue River decided that on the last weekend in June of each year {which is why it is called an annual contest????} to have a Rooster crowing contest.
I know that this is another of those (WHY DO THEY DO THESE THINGS?) questions, but they did and they do and they have a parade on Saturday morning and then I am not sure when they have the contest, but they really do have a rooster crowing contest......
Unfortunately I was only there for the parade so I have no knowledge of nor do I have any pictures of the contestants or the winner/winners???? and since most roosters only crow in the early morning I am not exactly sure how they do the contest or how many show up????? I suppose if you want to get that information then I saved you the trouble and I attached the link so you can get all the information you ever wanted to know about!!!!!
You should be able to copy and paste the above???
So somewhere back in this epistle (is that a word??), must be as word check OK'd it....... anyway I was there for the parade so I did not have time to wander around and see the sights. I have heard there is a large rooster model some where in town which I will have to go back and see?????? and I will post pictures of if I find it????
Any way on to the parade. The parade started at 10 am so the club that I run around with had to be at the staging area by 9:15 am so the we could get staged. I know that sentence is wrong, but I ain't going to change it!!!!!!
So the OLD VOLKS and FOLKS got staged and then they came and told us we were getting restaged????? so we moved again. That is why there are not that many pictures of the parade.
While I was waiting I met some ladies called the Rogue Valley "CHICKS" which were obviously over 50!!!! But what a hoot they were so their picture is included. One of them actually has a sister living in Florida..........
10 o'clock came and the parade started and we had slip number 45 in the parade and we were in the middle!!!! I did not think the parade was that long??? well our number came up and so off to the parade route we went. I had just pulled on to the parade road and a photographer pointed at me and held up his hand for me to stop, so I did and he took my picture and then came up and did a short interview and wanna guess what the first question was??? Go ahead, guess???? Not sure for what paper or organization and then it was off to the parade. Got to wave at all the people and blow my horn and throw candy {the president poured a bunch of candy on the shotgun seat and said throw it to the kids which I did and had a good time doing all that.
After the parade it was off to Chinook Park for a cookout. A good time was had by all or at least I had a good time with plenty of food, talk and OLD PEOPLE!!!! See the last picture.
So the next thing I will probably write about is the run over BEAR MOUNTAIN, staying at Gold Beach and shooting off fireworks over the 4th of July??????