Thursday, September 6, 2012

La Vida Loca Reunion

Well, it has been some time since last I wrote anything for the blog!!!! and I have been remiss {how is that for a word???} anyway I decided to use that word right in the beginning so that I don't have to worry about any more fancy words???. There may be a few more show up but since I am just getting back into the groove things may be just a little off until I hit my come back speed.........

So this is the last of the reunion stories. This could actually be an ongoing reunion story or a story about a reunion within a reunion or just one of those "you wouldn't believe it any way stories" but I am actually involved in this one!!!! I am involved in all the stories in some way or another, but this one is probably the most fun story I have ever written??? Maybe not for you, but it is for me.........

When I started the reunion stories I wrote about going to my first reunion committee meeting and how little did I know that my life would be altered in a way that I could not have even considered before leaving Florida!!!!!! The fact is that I had plans not to come back here next year as I was planning on going other places and also had the possibility of a job that would take me out of country.

So now that I have rambled on making absolutely no sense at all I will finally begin the story!!!!!!

Friday night the 20th of July was the first night of the reunion after the 2 previous meetings I had gone to. I had as I wrote previously been assigned the task of getting the music together by someone who will remain nameless..... Well, after the cleanup this nameless person who I had a screaming crush on in high school (and I told her so friday night) which was a LONG TIME AGO!!!!! asked me if I wanted to go for coffee after we had finished cleaning up.

Now I have to add that the time at this point was about 11 P M which meant it was WAY past my bedtime!!!! But I wanted to talk to her and find out what she had been doing for the last 50 plus years????? So it was off to Denny's for what I thought would just be some talk and a cup of coffee????? About 1 am we both figured it was time to go home after a few cups of coffee and a lot of laughing and even some talking!!!!!

Saturday night the 21st of July and this is the dinner night and I am doing things to avoid being near this nameless person and she is doing everything possible to get close to me because even though it was only coffee the night before strange forces were at work and the planets were starting to line up in ways not seen by mankind before!!!!!! The party ended at 10:30 and we were all cleaned up by 11:00 and I had asked her if she was not to tired did she want to go for coffee???? I might add that I had asked her that evening sometime that when the reunion was over would she like to go out for dinner??? I just figured she had worked really hard on the reunion and deserved a dinner.... LITTLE DID I KNOW!!!!! So off to Denny's once more for late night talk and coffee or coffee and talk..... These can be switched so that you are satisfied with how the sentence comes out!!!!! So here we are at Denny's until around 1 in the morning not really wanting to go home, but knowing that we both had to be at a park for the Sunday breakfast at about 8 A M!!!!!!

Sunday morning, July 23rd, 8 A M.  The next morning and we are both down at the park not really knowing what is going on between us but knowing that it is something more than just a friendly coffee and laughs thing??? So finally after I had been told to make some announcements and not having a microphone I had to stand on a table and yell and I might add that I was told that I did not "PROJECT" myself very well??? with that being said the nameless person asked me if I wanted to walk down to the river to which I replied "OH YEAH!!!!!!" and so down to the river we went.......

As we were standing by the river I just had this urge to kiss her, so I did!!! and that folks is when we both realized that this was going to be more than just coffee and talk.....

Any way we have been almost inseparable since that Sunday morning and so Dan and Jan McIntire might have won the door prize, but I got the grand prize!!!!!!!!!!! and I am planning on spending the rest of my life or as much as possible with this women or as long as she will put up with me!!!!! I am not going to try to describe her. I will just tell you that the nameless person has a name and it is CARLA (ELDRED) ROBERTSON. I have included pictures from a road trip we took so that you can know who she is!!!!!!!

There will be more stories coming now that the last of the reunion stories have been told.

Now you know why the title to this story is what it is...... If you are not sure what the title means then just google it and you can figure it out...... But I will end this story with the line.......

