Sunday, August 21, 2011
Relay for Life and EVEN MORE COLD WEATHER!!!
So here we are again!!! Well we are not really here again, but when I wrote this I was here, but now you are reading it and you are here!!!!! and I guess in the grand scheme of things in another space and time we could be together, but that would be in the global sense of thinking because time and space are all relative, but since I have no relatives called time and space I am not sure who's relatives they could be?? and I guess we could have that discussion at a later date or maybe never really have that discussion at all or with all or not at all or maybe with alcohol????
But I wander from whence (ain't that a neat word??) I started and wonder why I wandered or maybe I wondered why I wandered???? Such a PARADOXICAL (hey, another neat word!!!) question to PHILOSIPHISE (I hope I spelled that right??)about?????? I got that word from my oldest son some years back after we had a severe intake of ADULT BEVERAGES, so all credit should be given to him...
Well I guess I ought to tell about the Relay for Life since that is what this chapter, well not really a chapter, more like a series and this would be but one small part of the whole never ending story or series.......
After freezing my @#$%& off in the food bank run that morning I headed on back to Chateau To Go and was able to slip into something a little more comfortable (easy there, you perverts!!!!!) meaning a pair of shorts, I never really figured out why it is called a pair since it is only one item, but that can be a discussion for another time?? and then it was off to North Valley High School where for the next 14 hours I would alternately walk, see some OLD FRIENDS, really old, older than me!!!!! and walk around the track and eat and freeze. Mostly I froze a lot.....
I think this is good time to tell you that the team I was walking for was the ROGUE VALLEY OLD VOLKS AND FOLKS, but then you already saw the pictures. These people are really good people as I probably mentioned when I did the Memorial Day Parade story. Anyway I volunteered to walk not knowing what my SHIFT would be????? So I will tell you what my shift was even if you don't want to know!!!!!! I got there about 1 PM and actually started walking then. I walked about 3 miles off and on over the next 3 hours and then went home and took a nap. I know a nap is for wimps, well before you judge just wait for the "REST OF THE STORY".
So I went home took my nap and went back there around 8 that night. I changed in to jeans and took a sweat shirt along figuring it was going to get a little cool!! but I did not plan on the weather being what NANOOK of the NORTH would not like!!!!!!! and did I mention that my walking shift was from 1 am to 3 am!!!! Now you know why the nap. I guess there were no other people there that were dumber than me so????? I walked my two hours and agreed to stay until the camp was torn down and ready to go, not knowing that around 4 am the temperature dropped to 40 degrees!!!!!! So here I am standing on the edge of football field with all of us huddled around one of the propane mushroom heaters and of course nobody likes the cold!!!! and me I am not even close to being a HAPPY CAMPER!!!! and just for everyones edification (another one of those big words) and/or information I walked a total of 11 1/4 miles!!!!!!!!
So when 6:30 am came and we had finished breaking down the camp I told everyone I would see them later and headed back to the CHATEAU TO GO and a warm shower, some heat and a warm bed!!!!!! and more adventures to come!!!!!!!!