Sunday, August 21, 2011
A 70 mile Poker Run, well actually 67 miles????
So after an exciting day the previous weekend at Pottsville I decided it was time to get involved and do some civic duties. And why and what civic duties would that be you ask??? and even if you don't ask I am going to tell you anyway since I am the one writing this!!!
Apparently the county where I was staying, that would be Josephine County named after a lady named Josephine Rollins who was the first white women to live in this county after traveling the Oregon Trail. The reason I know all this is because when I was in college I wrote a paper for English composition third term about her life. But enough about Josephine as that was several life times ago!!!
So on to the story at hand, well not really at hand, more like on the computer where it can be sent out around the world, well not really around the world since I don't really know that many people, more likely maybe across the street??? or maybe across the country, but then that is really stretching it some....
So Saturday morning, June 25,2011 I woke up at 6:30 AM to the sound of the coffee pot brewing and a temperature somewhere below the freezing mark of 60 degrees!!!!!!! Actually it was around 40 degrees which in my mind constitutes below freezing!!!!!!!{:-( But there was a slight breeze outside so with the chill factor that would constitute FREEZING in my mind!!! Of course my mind being what it is that would leave a lot of room for discussion about what exactly the weather is or should be.....
So instead of wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which is what I would have much preferred??? I put on a t shirt, sweat shirt, hooded sweat shirt and after several cups of coffee and filling up my traveling coffee bottle, I jumped into Mr. Blue, that would be my hummbug, well I did not really jump in as it is a lot easier just to sit down, but I tried to make it sound exciting when actually I was freezing my
@#$%& off!!!!!!!! I had no gloves so my hands were already showing the first signs of frostbite but I was determined to do this whole POKER RUN and not WIMP OUT due to the less than desirable weather conditions!!!!
At exactly 8:15 AM, well it might not have been exactly 8:15 am, but it was close I started Mr. Blue who by the way reacted violently to the cold just like I do!!! and journeyed off to the city park for registration... (see the first picture) I thought maybe as it got a little later in the morning it would start to warm up?? WRONG!!!!!!
At promptly 9 AM I put my food in the donation box and paid my 15 bucks, got my map and proceeded to say a small prayer that I would not drive off the road due to the freezing weather!!!!!
And then it was off on a 67, actually it was more like 70 plus miles, to go to all EIGHT stops on the poker run.... It actually got so cold that I was driving with one hand and had my hooded sweat shirt tied together to stay as warm as I could. Now this is with the sun shining brightly and my sun glasses on!!!!!!
So over the river and through the woods to several places through out the county I went with others in the run following me because they were not sure where to go!!!! Talk about the blind leading the blind!!!! I am so used to somebody telling me where to go that this was just a completely exhilarating almost ORGASMIC EXPERIENCE!!!!!!! Finally at the last stop around 11:30 that morning I was able to pull off the hooded sweat shirt at the last stop and even start thinking about being comfortable. So back at the park you turn in your stamped card, (this poker run you only got rubber stamps on a card and then got dealt 8 cards back at the start/finish line.
Well as luck would have it or in my case not have it I drew 8 cards that made absolutely no sense so I thanked everybody for the fun and freezing run and then headed home to change clothes and go to the RELAY for LIFE!!!!!
The pictures are of the poster, two of the stops, and two of the motorcycles that were actually driven on the poker run!!!!!