Saturday, August 20, 2011

Father's Day and POTTSVILLE, Ore

Well, it has certainly been a while since I last wrote, but due to unforeseen circumstances where I was which is not where I am now and won't be for a while my computer decided to go on a MINI-STRIKE which means that I was limited in what I could write and how long it would take to send it and how long I could remain on line??? It seemed to work good when I first got there, but after a while it decided to not really work at all???? My best guess would be that it just did not like where it was?? I am now in a different place trying to write about things that happened a while back and just trying to use me memory gives me a severe headache!!!!

So on to the story about POTTSVILLE, a little known area between Merlin and Hugo,Oregon....... A long time ago.... I know this sounds like a fairy tale, but it seemed like the best way to start this one so that is why you are getting this little bit of a PREFACE. Not sure exactly what that word means but I have seen it in a lot of books at the front so I will put it in the beginning of this story???????

So as we PRESS AHEAD. A long time ago in southern Oregon there lived a feller named E. D. "Debbs" Potts who was famous in this area for just about anything and everything, but mostly for being a state senator. Well as time went on Debbs as most everyone who knew him or did not know him but knew the name started a museum/area for meetings, gatherings, picnics and other such falderall..... and eventually the OLD FASHIONED TRACTOR SHOW and ANTIQUE TRACTOR PULL was started, developed and turned into what it is today.

It is an annual event that happens on Fathers Day weekend with a huge antique tractor show, an antique tractor pull, all kinds of vendors and a GIGANZO FLEA MARKET with a lot of really neat antiques and some other stuff too.

Since I can only show 5 pictures at a time on the blog I will split this story in to 3 parts or whatever it takes to show the pictures and give the explanation.

Now remember as you are looking at these pictures that all these tractors are real and fully operational!!!!!!!!!

The first picture is fairly obvious as this is the entrance to the grounds area. The second picture is the sign describibg the third picture. The fourth and fifth pictures show a monster tractor that was described in the parade but had no printed information so I have no way of telling you how old it is other than it is REALLY OLD!!!!

Now it is on to part two for more pictures!!!!!!!!!!!