Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Will it never end?? or why am I still in Missouri???
GOOOOOOOOD MORNING or afternoon or whatevah!!!! It is morning where I am right now, but soon that will not be as I will be some place else when you read this and since I have no idea what time zone I will be in I cannot tell you if it will be morning noon or night?????? I got into where I am now about eleven my time and it was COLD!!!!!! and I realize that cold is a relative term, howevah I am not related to cold so therefore I prefer to have nothing to do with it!!!! but since I have no choice I will suffer with it, but NOT IN SILENCE!!!!!!
OK, enough about me, but then why can't it be about me since I am here and you are there?????? and you are probably warmer than I am, but that is good for one day you will be cold and then???????????
Now on to where I was and where I am. If you can read a map and are not GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED you should be able to figure out where I sent this from??????? If not then call somebody or if you are not interested then just hit ESCAPE or DELETE and that should solve the problem!!!!!!!!!!! but remember how sensitive I am...................
When last I sent you coordinates (NEAT WORD, HUH?) I don't know what it means, but I looked it up in my FUNK & WAGNALL (easy there you perverts!!!!) and it listed this word as one I can use!!!!!!
So here we go........I was on I-55 heading north which took me to I-270 which took me to I-70 which took me US 63 which took me to US-36 (I will give you a hint just in case somebody might be confused??) I got off US-36 in St. Joseph, Missouri and went north on I-29 and if you have an atlas or something that shows the rest areas then the only set of blue picnic tables on I-29 in Missouri is where this is from.
Just a couple of footnotes. I cannot remember what the starting mileage was, but I know I put it in the first or second installments of this FIASCO!!!!!!! but the mileage as I am sitting here is 235,854 and I am going to be forced to stop when I get fuel the next time and restock the coffee as I having the last of what I made in Ringgold, Ga. also gas seems to be remaining constant which is to say EXPENSIVE!!!!!!! but the most I have paid so far was $3.82 a gallon.......
So to all my adoring fans out there--- GOODNIGHT MRS. CALABASH, WHEREVER YOU ARE AND WHOOP, WHOOP I AM OFF INTO THE?????????? You may refer to the attached picture at this point!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!