Sunday, May 8, 2011

Where I said I was?????

was not exactly where I was, but then in the beginning I wrote that I may wander off and wonder what and why I am doing what I am doing and why I am doing it. But then the therapy, tapes, and books have not gotten me very far!!!! but that is alright for I have over the years developed the capability to mumble in several languages. Now if I could just figure out what I was saying then I would no longer have to search for the meaning of life and just be able to test the alcohol content in beverages!!!!!!

So to back track I am now back in Nebraska, well I am not really there, but then have I ever really been anywhere or am I just imagining all this and maybe it never really happened and ever since the 60's I have been in an alcohol induced state of TRANSINDENTAL MEDICATION????? and if that is so, then who are all these people that I have transindented with during this period of time??? and if I have transindented with them, was it as good for them as it was for me????? But hark, through yonder cloud the sun shines and I am at the starting point from which I shall again (no I am not going to say PUT PEN TO PAPER) as I have already said that!!!!!! See I do have a memory and at times I am even LUCID, (another neat word)and sometimes I even remember my own name?? Go figure????

So to start with, I said I was in Wyoming, but actually I was in BIG SPRINGS, NE. and how do I know I was there??? Well I will tell you.... I don't care if you don't want to know.... It is my blog and I am going to tell you anyway!!!

I left Ringgold on Monday evening and by Wednesday evening there was this strange smell PERMEATING (another big word!!) the cab of MISS MABEL. I thought for a little bit. I know using my name and the word thinking in the same sentence is one of those OXYMORON'S, (don't know what it means, but I have really been wanting to use it?) and suddenly realized that I had not bathed in any form since leaving Georgia which brings me to Big Springs where I stopped at a truck stop and warshed my temple and I warshed the rest of my body also!!!! because the cab of Miss Mabel was getting just a little loud and it had nothing to do with the radio!!!!!!!!!

So after bathing and dining on a gourmet meal of a foot long tuna sub with xtra mayo, tomatoes, banana and jalapeno peppers and extra salt and pepper I was back on the road and heading for Wyoming!!!!! WHOOP, WHOOP!!!

If you ever consider driving through Wyoming, DON"T!!!! as the only thing good about that state are the gas prices as they were the lowest during the entire trip at $3.55 a gallon. I-80 in Wyoming makes I-59 in Mississippi look brand new. To say they are rough roads is like saying General Custer had a real good time at the Little Big Horn!!!! The pot holes are like bomb craters and nothing is more thrilling than leaving Laramie after dark and finding I-80 single laned for approximately 30 miles for road construction and absolutely no equipment in site!!!!!!

And then you start to climb.... Luckily I could tell when I started to go up because I had a ELEVATIONOMETER on my GPS which told me how high I was and what my elevation was as I was going up and made it easier to downshift and save gas.
But before I go any further, let me advise everyone that you do not want to drive across Wyoming at night when it is cold as there are no rest areas below 7000 feet!!! The rest area make the inside of a freezer look like a HOLIDAY INN!! so I pulled into the first rest area I could find which happened to be at about 7400 feet, crawled into the back of Miss Mabel with all my clothes on and a hooded sweat shirt and tried to go to sleep. NOT HAPPENIN!!!!! I figured the temperature to be hovering around 100 below??? So I started up Miss Mabel and headed down the road and Miss Mabel already being just a little put out decides to over heat!!!!! so I have to turn the heat all the way up and open the window until Miss Mabel gets her engine together.... and then all is right or so I thought and we headed on down the road...

There comes a time when draining the bladder becomes paramount on your mind and no matter what the circumstances are or so I thought Mother Nature requires a stop! and so at 8640 feet above sea level I find another rest stop which is almost totally uninhabited except for two other truck divers. Now to set the stage, it is 10 PM, I am 8640 feet above sea level, the temperature is somewhere way south of freezing, it takes four breaths to equal one, the rest room is 100 yards from the truck, and ABE LINCOLN is staring down at me!!! That's right folks I ain't making this stuff up. So here I am, I have to PEE and I have to breathe and I am trying to decide how to breathe, hold and run to restroom all at the same time!!! At my age trying to pee is a trick in itself!!! Throw in all these other obstacles and it gets down right scary!!!!! So I bundled up, held my breath and something else and made a mad dash across a frozen and snow covered parking lot.... Anybody out there laughing at this point, I hope this happens to you!!!!!!! Short breaths in a well ventilated restroom with the temperature somewhere well below the freezing mark makes doing what had to be done sort of like climbing Mt. Everest is your underwear!!!!!!! So after several moments of suffering almost frost bite I ran downhill to Miss Mabel, jumped in, got her started and took off for which she repaid me by overheating again... Since finding a rest area was obviously out of the question I decided after a very short discussion with Mabel that we would keep on going... So after driving up and down, but mostly up for several hours, the sun finally showed up and I found another rest area and figured I would sleep for a while??

Not going to happen. I get out and do a check on Mr. Blue and he has decided to get even and breaks his left rear wheel!!!!! So I took the wheel apart and it was really bad. So bad I needed a tow dolly to get him the rest of the way. Now I am in the Lyman rest area approximately 43 miles east of Evanston, Wy. Quite literally in the middle of no where.. So I call Triple AAA and they say the tow truck will be there within the hour.... An hour later he calls and says where am I to which I reply where I am to which he says they gave him the wrong directions and he will be there shortly. When he arrives I tell him I need a tow dolly and he says (ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?) why didn't you just go to the U-HAUL on the other side of the interstate??????????? Well by now I am close to wanting to commit murder and mayhem in a most foul manor, but thanks to my anger management tapes, books, and counselor I have gotten this FAH!!!! So under the interstate I go, I rent a tow dolly, come back and put Mr. Blue on backwards (he has a locking steering wheel so I can do that) and again get "ON THE ROAD AGAIN" with no sleep I might add as Miss Mabel, Mr. Blue, and me making it unanimous want to get the H@#L out of Wyoming!!!!!

So here is where this chapter ends with all of us heading for Utah.. The pictures are self explanatory. As for road directions, we are still on I-80 with no road changes, but that will come in Utah and so to all of you I say "NO MAS, NO MAS"!!!!!