Friday, October 9, 2009

And AWAYYYYYYY I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The weather turned cold......... How cold was it you ask and even if you don't ask I will tell you!!!!!!!!!! It got so cold that when we talked the words came out frozen and we just took the ice and put it by the heater so it could melt and we could find out what each other said!!!!!!!!!!! Not really, I might be stretching that just a bit, but it did get down to ICE ON THE WINDSHIELD!!!!!!! and that is tooooo cold for me so it was time to head further south.

So I gave notice and told everyone that the CHATEAU TO GO was closing it's doors for the winter and the coffee pot was being loaded up, my clothes were being packed up, Miss Mabel was being loaded up, Blue Boy was being hooked up, and then I got Miss Mabel started up and with a cloud of smoke and a "LET'S BLOW THIS TACO STAND!!!!!!! we all headed on down the road for warmer temperatures.

When I left there I really still was not sure where I would end up until I realized it is still a bit warmer than what I want where I was originally headed so I took a detour and ended up some place else instead.

But along the way it was fun to take a couple of pictures and note a couple of geographical items for those of you who are interested and for those of you who are not. TOO BAD!!!! Read it anyway as it may come up in Trivial Pursuit and then won't you be surprised to know the answer????????????

So first off I went over SISKIYOU PASS at 4310 feet and that is the highest point above sea level on all of I-5. Now isn't that a piece of interesting, but useless information for you trivia buffs???????

Then next came Mt. Shasta which is 14,179 feet high, also called UYTAAHKOO {I can say it, can you?} in KARUK which means WHITE MOUNTAIN and is the second highest peak in the CASCADES. Now aren't you just feeling all warm and fuzzy inside just knowing that, well maybe not knowing, but at least reading that stuff???????

I also saw the SUNDIAL BRIDGE in Redding, Ca. Unfortunately, no pictures as it is located in Redding and taking pictures from a moving vehicle in Redding would have been a not so smart a move!!!!!!!!!!!!

So off to LAKE SHASTA, which for anybody who reads this and has ever been there is a REALLY, REALLY BIG LAKE!!!! But now it is a REALLY, REALLY BIG MUDHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The water level is 940 feet above sea level. The full lake level is 1067 feet above sea level!!!!!!! The shoreline now is approximately 217 miles. When the lake is full, there are 365 miles of shoreline!!!!!!!!!!!! The boats are on docks that are so far down that the parking lot is now the lake bottom!!!!!!!!!!! YUP, a REALLY, REALLY, REALLY big mudhole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway enough of that........ So on I went in search of other interesting, but useless information.

So the next stop or not really a stop, but sort of a pass through was French Camp, California. Not exactly a big hit on the tour bus destinations, but a tine little town located between I-5 and Hiway 99. The community was named after the Hudson's Bay Co. trappers who camped here in the 1830s and 1840s. It is only 20 feet above sea level which puts it just a little higher than where I live. I just thought I would throw that in for grins and giggles!!!!!!! Oh just get over it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, now I am where I am and will be until I leave. Now that is a statement just full of ????????????? truisms........ I have been here long enough that more stories will be coming along for those of you who do not fall asleep reading them. Now aren't we all just really excited????????????