Thursday, October 29, 2009

Festus, Roger Rocka's Ruckus, and a Weather Event

Well, good morning, good afternoon or good evening depending on which time zone you are in. For me it has been an eventful time. Most of it was good, some of it I could do without, but for the most part I should not complain as I am still on the right side of the grass.

I apologize for not writing sooner, but unfortunately about the time my creative mode kicked in so did a really bad case of FOOD POISONING and so all my creative energies went south for a little while!!!!!!! {HOPEFULLY NO ONE IS EATING WHILE READING THIS PARAGRAPH?}

Well, now that my excuses have been made it is onward and upward to greater and glorious things such as what have I been doing since my last correspondence. I am sure you have all been waiting with baited/bated????? breath, bad breath or possibly no breath at all. So without further adieu or adon't or a will or a won't, or a should nor should not!!!!!!!!!!!!! See what you all have missed??????? Isn't this fun??????? YUP, Grampa, the wandering writer has turned it on again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here I am where I was not before, because I have since journeyed further south and to the East to continue my trip and start writing again. But remember that the stories until I tell you different all took place in a different place and time than where I am now. Obviously I cannot write about what has not happened yet, but I can write about where I was. Now does that make sense or do I need to explain all this, but that is another story.................

So first the Festus Part. I was in Clovis, California which is just east of Fresno and slightly north of Los Angeles. I always like to help the GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED whenever possible. So as I was saying, I was in Clovis looking for bird houses. Don't ask as that is a story for another time that refers back to a story of another time..... any way I was in Clovis looking for bird houses {didn't I already say that????} when I spotted a statue of Festus, now for those of you who did not know, the character of FESTUS was actually created during the series of HAVE GUN, WILL TRAVEL {a little trivia there} and then continued on as a character on GUNSMOKE.

Ken Curtis, the man who played Festus was from Clovis and thus the statue in the center of OLD TOWN Clovis.

So after an unsuccessful bird house trip it was on to Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater which I have been to twice before and as always the food was great. This time I saw "HAIRSPRAY" which was hysterical. I always like this place because the actors and the story always seem to end up in the audience eventually, at least part of the show does anyway. The man who played the mother was as good as John Travolta, at least according to my opinion which I have been told by various people at various times in my life is not really worth very much, but I still like to throw it out there anyway, just to see what happens.

And now for the most important part of this story. A little drum roll please!!!!!!! Did you hear the drums??????? Oh well to late.

I think most of you know where I was and if not, it should not matter that much. I was sitting there watching the news and weather and they come on with
We are going to be experiencing heavy rains and extreme winds for the next 24 to 36 hours. So anything that is not tied down should be moved inside and there will be sandbags available. Well, I don't know about the rest of the country, but I know down south that means a BIG WIND is on the way!!! Well out here it meant 1 1/2 inches of rain and 15 to 25 mile an hour winds!!!

I ain't making this up folks. It is for real. I actually thought it was joke. Where I live we don't even get the kites out for a breeze like that!!!!!!!

Anyway fast forward 24 hours later and I am watching the news and there are sand bags everywhere and 29,000 people are without power!!!!!!!!!! That evening was the evening I went to Roger Rocka's and some traffic lights were not working!!!!!!!!!!!! I just wonder what would happen if a real weather event like we get ever got here??????????

So that is it for this one. A little trivia, a little fun and a little editorializing??????? Until the next time, from out there somewhere????????????