Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well, here I am again, letting you know that I am still OUT THERE SOMEWHERE??????? I have not been incarcerated, I may have been inebriated, resuscitated, or reincarnated???????
It was an exciting time getting from where I was to where I am now. I know longer travel using AAA triptiks since I finally realized that I should get into the 20th century. Actually life as I know it ended August 1969 with Woodstock and nothing has been the same since!!!!!{ ; - ( But here I am rambling on and not addressing the issues at hand and since I am not exactly sure what all that means I will leave it in here just so hopefully there will be one more person as confused as I am??????????
PLEASE REFER TO THE 2ND PARAGRAPH..........so I decided that a GPS was the wave of the future and purchased one. Now you have to understand that this was a REALLY BIG STEP FOR ME!!!!!!!!!! since the voice on mine is female {or I assume it is} and with certain exceptions I have been known to not really pay much attention, {to the female voice that is} I have to trust what she is saying, and since I left my leash and shock collar at home, however I did bring my handcuffs!!!!!!! I have to assume that she knows what she is talking about. HOWEVER, I followed her directions and I ended up in Copperhill and I am quite sure it was Lucy's fault, {Lucy would be the GPS for future reference} that I got lost in a town that has one main street, so I went a little ways and the map actually disappeared on Lucy and she quit talking to me!!!!!!!!!!!! So after a short break and me threatening to throw her in the Ocoee River, we came to an agreement that I would make nice and she would show me the map.
So I turned Miss Mabel around and off we went in a cloud of dust, Lucy, The Unnamed Blue Hummer, and the Hood Ornament. If you are having a problem with the names, refer back to the first posting.
At this point I was not sure where I was as far as to which state I was in, Georgia, Tennessee, or Confusion, so like the song says, "It is always 5 o'clock somewhere," I stopped, checked my BOTTLE FOR MESSAGES........, was not getting anything except starting to feel better, {I MISS MY SHOCK COLLAR} and headed toward where ever. Lucy was feeling better, maybe because I plugged her into the cigarette lighter and off we went through Ducktown, Turtletown, Farner, Cokercreek, and Ballplay and finally arrived at our destination where we spent the night. I awoke the next morning to freezing temperatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {SEE ATTACHED PICTURES}
After bundling up, I charged up Lucy, turned on Miss Mabel, {IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!!}, checked BLUE Boy's {I think that is what I will call the hummer until a name is decided upon} lights and headed north {WHY WOULD I HEAD NORTH INTO MORE COLD??????} for bluegrass and horse country for my next exciting and memorable or not??????? stop.
So that is where I am now and the will be until I leave again. I am 227 miles east and a little north of Ft. Campbell, Ky. 757 miles north and a little east of Wildwood, fl. and 2509 miles east and a little south of Grants Pass, Ore.
I have attached pictures of where I am being held captive until the work is done. I guess you might call this a WORK RELEASE PROGRAM???????
I will be trying to get a message from the MAGIC bottle, at least one from the bottle, until when????????????
{ ; - )