Well, today started out just like the last two days. I wake up not being sure what is going to happen good or bad???
Of course today I already knew what the first bad thing would be. That would be having to jump Mabel to get her started since I ran the battery down last night doing the blog and checking email.
It was not as hard as one might imagine to get a jump since I had a ready made jump system that I was towing. I just reconnected Mr. Blue's battery, started him up and then unhooked him from Mabel and moved him around to the front of Mabel and connected the cables and started her up. Then I just did everything in reverse and Mr. Blue was all connected and we went on down the road!!!!!!! Did not even have to call AAA!!!!!!!!!
So I left Oklahoma and went into Texas and then back into Oklahoma and then into Kansas and as I write this I am in a rest area surrounded by thousands of unnamed and genetically altered bugs who are not biting but simply irritating!!!!!!
I have absolutely no idea why I go to Texas at all except for self abuse and to see people I know there. The drivers are some of the most inconsiderate in the world!!! And it is just peachy to cross into Texas and see a sign where the welcome station should be that says welcome station 100 miles west!!!!!! which puts it just inside the line coming from New Mexico!!!!!!! Just another one of those Texas OXYMORONS!!!!!!!!!
Enough about Texas. After leaving there it is back into Oklahoma for a short while and then into Kansas.......
I am not in Kansas anymore but something monumental happened there today!!!!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!!! Miss Mabel got a little older today and passed a milestone, not to be confused with a kidney stone!!!!! In the town of Colby, Kansas Miss Mabel, WAIT FOR IT!!!!! rolled over 250,000 miles!!!!!!! Yes, folks I am talking a quarter million miles and still going!!!!!!! Of course I wanted to celebrate so I pulled into a Pilot Station that had a subway. Of course Subway does not serve cake but then this one did not serve anything since it was closed!!!!
So with that putting a slight damper on things I fueled up, got 2 Mark 14 gut bombs and promptly spilled mustard and ketchup on me and we all headed off toward Nebraska!!!!!!!!!!!! So it has been an eventful day of some bad and some good, but all in all we are still running so I can call it good.
So I guess you just have to wait for the next post to see what will happen???????