Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Here we go again!!!!!!!

Well here we are "TOGETHER AGAIN"!!! I think there was a song by that name? and we really aren't together again because we never really were together again were we?? but then at my age I never really know whether I have "IT" together or is anything really together or are we all together or should we just get together??? This was so much easier back in the '60's because then everybody had it together or did we?? Ah the unattainable, unanswerable question of the day!!!!!

But I stray from my original epistle (How is that for a word), I looked it up in my FUNK & WAGNALL and it said I should use it here so I did!!!!!! So this is one of the parts where everybody OOOOOH'S and AHHHHHH'S. I will wait a minute while everybody does so!!!!!! Now don't you just feel SO MUCH BETTER????

OK, so now it is on to (what was I talking about)????? Oh yeah, it has been two years since I went in search of the meaning of life!!!!! I am not really sure why I keep looking, but I guess it gives me an excuse to go wander and wonder and proselytize about things that I know absolutely nothing about!!!!! and now that I have thoroughly confused myself about why I am even writing this other than I think (and that hurts every time I do it)!!!!!! I had movement or an epiphany or maybe it was just a headache(not sure which)and all these big words started showing up!!!!!!!

Now back to the news and what news is that you ask???? Well you don't need to ask because I am going to tell you anyway....... I am once again going on the road and seeing what has happened out there since I took a sabbatical. From time to time as before my rambling writings will appear here and you may partake or not or I may make a mistake or maybe even activate or participate and there might even be pictures. Now isn't that a scary thought??????

So I am finished with this first installment since this is only to warn you that I am once again out and about wandering, wondering, and talking to myself.
That seems to be the safest way to do things since no else will listen to me!!!!

I have no idea where I will be when you read this, but I am sure I will be somewhere out there!!!!!!!!