Sunday, April 25, 2010

Security Guard and the Bathroom????

Well now isn't that just the most intriguing title????? What do a security guard and the bathroom have to do with each other???? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!! But I will bet it got you to wondering??????? Oh go ahead, admit it.....

Last year when I was down here there were two security guards or IGUANAS. The one was about three or four feet long and the other about two feet long. Well this year we got a ROOKIE cause he is only about 18 inches long. But I definitely feel so much safer knowing there is somebody outside keeping an eye on things???????

So now on to the bathroom part of the story. Normally bathrooms are not something you would talk about or write about but down here in the keys it is a whole different story. Most people build an outside shower and with the exception of a few days it is used year round. The shower pictures in the write up are just to show you the inside and the outside. I know that the inside shower has not been used very much in the last eleven years, and how do I know that?????? Because I built it and obviously I know the people who live here and they like myself when I am down here use the outside shower.

There are a lot of things different down here in the Keys. This is just one of them and that is the story for today. I know it is short so just take longer to look at the pictures!!!!!!!