I suppose I should have quit while I was ahead but there was just
“NO WAY” I was going to end this day trip with the word PIZZA!!!!!!!
Unfortunately I cannot remember the name of the PIZZA PLACE we went to in Cave Junction which is in Oregon (you can google this also) for those of you who have no idea where I am?????? There is another story coming about Cave Junction that will give you more information, well maybe not more information, but at least you will have something else to read about what happens in this town………
Now back to the final paragraph of this exciting SOJOURN into and out of the FROZEN HINTERLAND!!!!!!! How about those words????? Pretty neat, HUH?????? Although it is easier for me to use words of one syllable or less, sometimes I like to slip in a fancy word just to prove that there is something besides a PERFECT VACUUM between my ears!!!!!!!!!! And so with the pizza place being the final stop I felt like it was necessary to show you what a bunch of REALLY COOL PEOPLE look like after driving/riding in Volkswagens of various makes and models all day!!!!!!!!!!! with a lot of them not having tops and that is the REST OF THE STORY!!!!!!!!!!!