Friday, October 14, 2011

Crater Lake???????

So did I tell you about Crater Lake???? Well of course I didn't because if I had then I would not be asking that question and I would not be writing this story. Ah but I could have had a senior moment in which case I would not have remembered if I wrote about Crater Lake but then I could not ask you since you are here now and I have already been here, well not really here, but on my "PUTER" some where typing what you are reading. But is here where I am or is here where I was or did I really type this and if I did where was I and what was I thinking???? as all things in time and space are relative, but I think I already wrote about being related to time and space and I am still pretty sure that neither of them is on my family tree any where and so now that we have established some sort of ????????? Exactly, I am not sure what just happened but I am not going to change it......

So after the trip to the coast for the 4th of July it was time to go to Crater Lake and where is Crater Lake you ask???? Well maybe not all of you will ask, but I know some of you are geographically challenged and since you can ask, but I am not able to answer I guess you will just have to GOOGLE or MAPQUEST it.....

Crater Lake is a really cool place and that can be said both literally and figuratively since the lodge is at 7100 feet above sea level and one observation point is about 8000 feet???? above sea level. And yes it was the week of the 4th of July and yes there was lots of snow on the ground and yes it was COOL!!!!!!! They had actually had so much snow up there that the roads were not cleared yet to be able to drive around the rim of the lake. There was still on the road about 14 feet of snow in certain areas!!!!!!!!!

Taking a tour of the rim is always exciting, but since I am not real thrilled about looking down or over the side of a mountain I always prefer to take pictures from afar...... But in certain cases that is not possible to be able to actually get the full affect/effect (I was not sure which word to use so I just used both) desired with out taking a certain amount of chance. So therefore yours truly risking life and limb to bring you only the finest photography put himself in HARMS WAY at great risk to life and limb so that pictures you see are what they are....... Now this is the point where you OOOOOOOOH and AAAAAAAAH and say "WHAT A GUY"!!!!!!!!

I will give you a few facts about the lake and then end the story. The lake used to be a volcano called Mt. Mazama. Then about 7700 or so years ago the volcano blew up, collapsed on it self and became a lake. Well it did not actually become a lake quite hat fast. It formed a 5 mile wide crater and began to fill with snow melt and rain water. The lake is one of the clearest and deepest in the world. How deep is it you ask?? Well I am glad you asked for I shall give you the answer!!!!!! A little drum roll please... Sorry I don't do drum sounds so you just have to imagine.. the lake is a little over 1940 feet deep.....and is about 5 miles wide.

Since there are no streams or springs to feed the lake. It remains at an almost constant level from rain and melting snow. The lake was actually stocked with fish, of several varieties, but only 3 survived. One was a type of trout, another was the Kokanee? salmon and I do not remember the third type?? But for those of you who really want to know I bet you can find out.

and so after an exhilarating day way up there in the LAND OF HARD TO BREATHE it was time to head home. It is about 120 miles to where the Chateau To Go is from the lake, but it was still a great trip!!! Again due to the picture limitations The pictures will be posted in groups of 5. The story will be first and then you should be able to scroll down to see the rest of the pictures in parts 2 and 3??? The 4th picture in this story you are actually looking down about 8 or 900 feet at snow on the lakes beach!!! The last picture in this series is an actual lookout at approximately 8400 feet above sea level!!! I guess they can see better from up there???????