Well today you get a twofer because I am such a nice guy!!!!!! I decided to give you a mileage and location update. I know it has been a while since I let anybody know where I have been and what my mileage is.... So me being just the "NICEST GUY". And I know every body is just agreeing with that last statement, well maybe not every body but I would like to think that at least some body thinks that way and is not under the influence when they are thinking that way. But then I know every body thinks their own way and I would certainly not try to influence any one?????
Just remember that I am very sensitive and I am sure no one wants to hurt my feelings so I will just stay in my own world???? and what world would that be you ask and even if you don't ask I am going to tell you even though I am sure you are probably not interested, but you might be???
Oh well I will just make this short and sweet...... well maybe not sweet, but definitely short.....
I am in Mesa, AZ. as of last Monday. I was in California and Nevada and had a really good time. Sorry no stories as that was my getting away from it all time so no stories and no pictures???? There may be one story but it will be further down the line. The rest of it and the ghost towns will remain with me.
Miss Mabel has been running great and her mileage at this point in time is DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!!!! 240,757 so you can try and figure out where I have been and what I have been seeing.....
and so I will post this and right below it should be the other part of the twofer...