Saturday, September 26, 2009

My Chateau To GO--Part Dux

Well, it has been a while since I put pen to paper or fingers to the keys since we all know that putting pen to paper would do absolutely no good for a couple of good reasons, one being, nobody would be able to read my writing and two, I do not have a scanner so how could I possibly get it to my laptop.

So now that I have the rambling preamble out of the way I will start the body of this text which is not to be confused with the body of the first part which would be me since I am typing this ??????????? words escape me as how to describe what I am doing, but I am sure there are some learned {never figured out whether that was LEARN-ED or LEARNED} person or persons unknown who if they read this would surely ask that my laptop be removed at once or at the very least my fingers be immobilized in some sort or fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But since I am the body of the first part, leave us continue, well not really leave us, I guess I should say let us start but then that does not make any sense since I am the only one here so there cannot be an us except in the singular sense which makes no sense and is complete nonsense so without further ADO or A DON'T I will PRESS AHEAD as I have done previously.

Well, I will be vacating the premises in the next few days and heading for parts to be determined at a later date, but not to much later since I probably should have some idea of where I am going. Actually I do have an idea, but the plan has not been completely firmed up yet so I may just be out there wandering and wondering where the H@#& I am going, but since I have been doing that for years, I am actually pretty good at it.

But alas I stray from whence I was trying to go and I am sure that if you could talk to me right now you world have no trouble telling me where I should be or where I should go.

So since I am vacating the premises I should show you the latest in CHATEAU TO GO improvements. The pictures will show the most, but since my last EPISTLE {neat word, HUH????} I have managed to find another sheet of plywood so the deck now measures 8 feet x 12 feet and allows a solid entry to the front door. I also managed to obtain a FUSCIA {spell check will love that one} bath mat which doubles as a door mat and so company can wipe there feet. PRETTY UPSCALE, at least I think so!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH but I saved the best for last. I now have an entry door for my patio/deck which you will notice has a window which allows me to see who is at the front door, and also a part time doorman, so if you are here that part of the time you will get to see the doorman!!!!!!!!!!! because part of the time he is taking a break and you have to open the door yourself!!!!!!! These are all simple pleasures that make life just a little bit better.

Well that completes this chapter and when you hear from me again I will be some place else again which makes sense since I have to be some place, I am just not sure which place.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Great Grants Pass Chili Cookoff and Joe's Bar & Grill 

So first off let me explain the title.  I am not going to explain it, just sort of tell you about it.   Well not really tell you about it, just sort of explain why it is so long.   It is not really long as far as I am concerned, but some people might think so and that is why I am telling you about it.   However since I completely forgot about why I was writing this and I have always been told that I might be a sandwich or two short of picnic I just figured I would let you read all this and then get on with the really good stuff.

So here we are "TOGETHER AGAIN," is there a song by that name????? Of course a song by any other name is still a song and that is all the wisdom you are getting out of this mess today because now I have had some coffee and I am only one sandwich short of a picnic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And so it is time to PRESS AHEAD and how you do that is to take your right hand or your left or both if you are ambidextrous [NOW HOW IS THAT FOR A WORD??????] and since I have no idea what it means, but I was told it means you can use both hands??????? so class take one hand or two and put them on your forehead and press gently and begin reading...........


OK, enough of this BLATHER, (I can hardly wait for spell check on this mess)!!!!!!!!!

So as is fairly obvious from the title I either am, was, or still may be or will be in Grants Pass.   That would be in Oregon for those of you who are GEOGRAPHICALLY CHALLENGED!!!!!!!!!!! and that is where the CHILI COOKOFF was!!!!!!!!  Pretty simple, HUH, Grants Pass and Chili Cookoff sorta like word association, but that is a story for another time.   Just trying to get this one written has turned into a shorter version of "GONE WITH THE WIND"!!!!  

So back to the subject at hand which if I wasn't reading what I was writing I would probably forget!!!!!!!

Saturday, Sept. 12 turned out to be a perfect day to go get a really serious case of heartburn!!!!!!!!!  The temperature was in the low 80's and the chili I would rank anywhere from shuttle misfire, meaning no heat, to liftoff(well you get the idea)!!!!!!!!!!! 

The cookoff started at 11 in the morning and by noon we were looking at finding the beer garden or a rather large water tank or just going and jumping in the river since it was right where we were. Some of the chili tasted good and some should not have been there at all. There was one booth which I took a picture of (see attached) that made Hawaiian chili with pineapple, peppers, and apples along with some sort of meat which I did not bother to ask about that was spicy and slightly hot, but REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!

There were the usual sunspot chili's, but we found one chili called CHICKEN CHILI which was another really good one. There was also a CHEF-BOY-R-DEE which I actually was looking for the spaghetti O's that were not there. But I definitely recognized the taste. Then there was the CREAM OF CHICKEN chili which tasted just like MAMA'S Cream of Chicken Soup!!!!!!!!!!!!! for those of you familiar with chili cookoff's and for those of you chili cookoff challenged, I was surprised to find out that there was no THROWDOWN CHILI and for you boys and girls who have no idea what that means, your assignment is to FIND OUT!!!!!!!!!!

I keep saying we so I suppose I ought to explain that there were three of us. Two HOPELESS PEOPLE, not to be confused with HOMELESS. As you can see from the pictures they were two pretty motley looking people, but I took pity on them and we all went to heartburn city and sampled and consulted and insulted, which resulted in us voting for our favorite chili. Just as a footnote, the winner received a $1500.00 first prize!!!!! We have no idea who won since our presents was not required to announce the winner.

All in all the chili tasting tour was a rousing success by any standard of measurement. They also had a barbecue cookoff, but unfortunately by the time the cooking was done and the tasting began we had consumed enough chili so that barbecue was out of the question, however there was room for some consumption of that FROTHY MIXTURE called ALE or MEAD in medieval times, but called BEER now, so after a short detour to AT&T to get a new SIM card for my phone, (I THROUGH THAT IN THERE JUST TO TAKE UP SOME SPACE {;-) We jumped back into Blue Boy and headed on down the trail to Joe's Bar and Grill. No, I am not making this up, it is really called that. I figured I might get a message from the bottle there?????? but even though I found a couple of bottles, I received no messages, however the contents were good so I will keep looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So at Joe's Bar and Grill, we proceeded to order and consume enough of that miracle wonder drug that cures heartburn and at the same time met Sasha, the bartender?????, bartendress???? I am trying to be politically correct here??????? Sasha was both entreating and good at her job {see the pictures), so after a pair for each it was time to head back to the Sanford and Son Campground and do some barbecuing of our own!!!!!!!!!!! which was a good way to cap off the day, the heartburn was gone, the thirst quenchers were good and the barbecue at the CHATEAU TO GO was superb and second to none!!!!!!!!!!!!
{ ; - )

Friday, September 4, 2009

Me and My CHATEAU TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here I am where I was before and then went someplace else and then came back here to stay again for a little while??????????????........... but that is a story for another time?????????????

So I left where I was and came here, but I already said that. I am staying in a CHATEAU TO GO in what some would call a campground or R. V. Park or one or probably more than one would call a junk yard or one or probably more than one would call it the SANFORD AND SON CAMPGROUND, however I did manage to find a rather large bottle so I am also busy trying to receive a message or at least find some portion of the meaning of life.............

As you can see from the pictures, I have my own private 8x8 plywood deck. My own refrigerator {there is not one inside} outside seating and a table for drinks. I particularly like the decorative fencing which is a combination of two pickup truck front ends, tire rims and the small picnic bench which after these pictures were taken became more seating as it seems the crowd grew even bigger and the piece between the two front ends has also been removed so that I now have a formal entryway!!!!!!!!!! and the plumbing is all inside, just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The dump truck and the VW provide some privacy from the road and since I have SIRIUS radio {this is not meant as a plug or commercial} I can listen to the 50's, 60's, Island music or whatever the people want to listen to.

My CHATEAU is a nice place to be as the bed don't squeak, the roof don't leak, there is food to be eaten, coffee and wine to be drank so all is right in MUD RIVER!!!!!!!!!!!

I prefer to think of it as my own BEACH HOUSE ON THE MOON with 16 Palm Trees and a Bar and a CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE (I heard songs by those names) where I can get a taco salad, a glass of wine, a sunset and friendly neighbors. We sit and talk about absolutely nothing at all and solve all the worlds problems or whatever the problem seems to be at the time, of course the first liar never has a chance!!!!!!!!!

I have been busy getting BLUE BOY back in shape and he is running well now. There was some not so MAJOR SURGERY performed as he needed a new carburetor, a new distributor, new oil, a filter and various and sundry other parts, plus what was done before I left to go work to pay for all this, but now he runs much better so he is happy and so am I.

The weather is a bit cool for my taste, but the afternoons and evenings are nice so all in all I cannot complain, well maybe a little as the mornings are in the 50's and that is a bit much for me, but over all life is good.

But here I am and here I will be for a while as I plan to do some exploring and see some of what is around here??????????