Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Here We Go Again

A few years ago, I started writing or typing or whatever you would like to call it.  I am not sure since it is all done on a lap top?????  I am not sure if anybody ever read what I wrote, but it was fun creating the stories, so I think maybe it is time to do it again?? Or maybe not depending on who/whom???? {not sure about the grammar???} you may talk to…. To me this is a form of therapy.  Originally, I started out looking for the meaning of life and then started writing road stories and about people of the road stories.  There were also some about a submarine.  But the break has been long enough and suddenly, I feel the urge, so I am going to start DOING THIS AGAIN. 

The last time I wrote anything was in 2015 and since then my life has taken some strange twists and turns, but somebody once said that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade and so I guess this will be my lemonade. 

The stories that come after this will hopefully not be so long that they are boring, but long enough and enjoyable to the point that if you are reading one of them, you will read to completion. I will also add visual aids, that would be pictures.  I do not have a large vocabulary so a lot of the time you may notice word repetition. I will make all the necessary apologies now and then after this just kwitchurbellyakin!!!!!!!!!!!

I am including a picture with this short BLURB just so there is a visual aid!!!!!!!!!!!  The picture is of me all dressed up.  Actually, this was the only time I ever wore one of these so not only is this a first publication of this picture.  It also gives you the choice of reading further or not, based simply on my dress code….. 

Of course, none of this makes any sense, but if you do continue to read what I post you will suddenly realize that not making any sense does make sense???????????